04/05/23 |
The School Bully A puppet gets bullied by another puppet. Needs some
advice from a Christian leader. |
05/02/23 |
You Hurt My Feelings A puppet gets thier feeings hurt |
06/15/23 |
VBS1_23 Vacation Bible School This year’s vacation bible school we'll be talking about putting on the whole armor of God[The Unseen War] |
06/16/23 |
VBS2_23 Vacation Bible School [The Breastplate and Shoes]
06/17/23 |
VBS3_23 Vacation Bible School The unseen battle [The Unseen Weapon Of Choice]
06/18/23 |
VBS4_23 Vacation Bible School What does it take to be a child of God [Salvation Message for Adults] |
06/04/23 |
Will You Be My BFF? Unfortunately, in today's world people do not know how to be friends with others. Friendship these days is basically what they can get out of it. This upcoming skit will show the true meaning of what it is like to be a true friend and how that's implemented. |
07/02/23 |
What's Wrong With Me? In this skit Samantha gets to see what it feels like to have her world come crashing down around her and how she deals with the stress. |
08/06/23 |
Why are There Consequences For Good Kids? God sets dynamic laws in motion an sometimes, we have to bear the consequences. The puppets wrestle with the reality that life is not a bed of roses all the time.
09/03/23 |
HALLOWEEN! This skit exposes the danger of trick-or-treaters going to a strange door without an adult. It also shares concern about dressing up as something in the occult. These things are real and Christians should not participate in the flirting with Satan or his demons. This skit steers children away from dressing as something evil.
NO Spanish
10/01/23 |
Thanksgivng What are the puppets thankfull for? ck the skit an find out!
NO Spanish
11/05/23 |
Christmas With the Puppets 1 team In this 9-page skit the puppets try to explain the virgin birth and have some weird ideas how it all came about. It focuses on the true meaning of Christmas
12/14/23 |
School Christmas Play This is a Christmas Play not a puppet skit ….it is a news cast on how the world would react if Jesus was born today
12/14/23 |
School Christmas Puppets (2 teams) This is a Christmas puppet skit. ….This skit is 16 pages long an designed for a large team …2 puppet teams 4 each. There are several reason you shouldn’t have 8 puppeteers up there at the same time. This is the long version of the church skit on the same topic.
04/07/24 |
Temptation In this skit the puppets are tempted to do the wrong thing, an how to overcome it. This skit was suggested by Winter. I liked her suggestion.
NO More Spanish |
05/05/24 |
When Is Jesus Coming Already! Self-explanatory, but soon no doubt. One of the puppets knows exactly when He's coming! :) |
06/02/24 |
What Is Baptism Anyway? A lot of confusion on this subject the puppets try to figure it out.
06/30/24 |
The 4th of July Puppets understand how Important 4th of July is and what it means. And learn the dangers of fireworks an way they should have supervision.
7/22/24 |
VBS1_24 Christ Love In Us. How do we show Christ love to others when its hard enough to love ourselves
07/23/24 |
VBS2_24 Chrlist Holiness In Us. Jesus provided His holiness and provided the way for us to be Holy too.
07/24/24 |
VBS3_24 Christ Compassion In Us. Jesus showed compassion for people.
07/25/24 |
VBS4_24 Christ Humility In Us. Jesus served others an wants us to be like Him.
07/25/24 |
VBS5_24 Christ Salvation. Jesus served others an wants us to be like Him.
08/04/24 |
Daddy, Why did God Take Grandma? I Miss Her Unfortunately death is a part of life this side of heaven. A puppet loses Grandma see how she copes with her grief.
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03/05/23 |
Lets Go Fishing The puppets go fishing an discover it wasn’t what they thought.
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03/05/23 |
I Don't Feel Like I'm Going to Heaven. How Do We Know? Sometimes we get confused if were going to heaven. The puppets want reassurance that their destiny is secure.
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03/05/23 |
The Camping Trip The puppets go on a camping trip an discover things about one another.
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03/05/23 |
Why Are You So Angry A puppet need to learn anger management, and what’s worth getting angry about.
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03/05/23 |
I Got This Cool Viedo Game Some games are unhealthy for puppets.
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03/05/23 |
There's a Dinosaur Ate My Homework The puppets play with a stuff dinosaur but unaware of the danger it presents.
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03/05/23 |
Lets Go Find Some Spiders The girl puppets are absolutely appalled that the boys want to go find spiders. The argue about it an create a riff
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03/05/23 |
The Fairy Tail Life Everyone wants the fairy tale life but the reality is there is no such thing.
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03/05/23 |
The Broken Arm One of the puppets gets a broken arm while playing sports.
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03/05/23 |
The Birthday Party One of the puppets has a birthday party that goes wrong.
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